Glide Path & Shaping
From accessing highly calcified canals with the C+ File to shaping severely curved and narrow canals with the FlexoFile hand file, Maillefer has the glide path & shaping files you need to meet the challenge. More than 125 years of precision Swiss engineering go into every Maillefer file we create. In fact, our specifications are so demanding, our endodontic files exceed ISO standards. Nonslip plastic handles provide a firmer grip.

Access Hand Files
It’s no wonder clinicians around the world start their endodontic cases with quality access hand files from Maillefer. Both the C-File and C+ File are...

Shaping Hand Files
Maillefer shaping hand files are meticulously crafted for a difference you see in your cases – and feel in your hands. Most come standard with an...

Maillefer has the innovative solutions you need to enhance performance throughout each root canal treatment, including proper lubrication during shaping...

Engine Driven Files
Maillefer engine driven files are crafted with the same dedication to performance and reliability as our trusted hand instruments. Manufactured with...