Shaping Hand Files
Maillefer shaping hand files are meticulously crafted for a difference you see in your cases – and feel in your hands. Most come standard with an innovative flute design, ISO color coding for easy identification, a safe-ended Batt Tip to reduce chances of ledging, and pre-inserted silicone stops that are notched to guide instruments you pre-bend around curves.

Ready•Steel FlexoFile Files
The Ready•Steel FlexoFile hand file combines the best stainless steel technology with enhanced flexibility for cleaning and shaping even the most curved...

Ready•Steel Hedstrom Files
The Ready•Steel Hedstrom file offers effective cutting efficiency. Greater strength, provided by its thick core, enables Maillefer to offer you smaller...

Ready•Steel K-Files
Ready•Steel K-FILE The Ready·Steel K-File (stainless steel) features a twisted design and is manufactured from a square blank. This file has set the...

Ready•Steel K-Reamer Files
The Ready·Steel K-Reamer is known for its superior cutting ability, precision handling and efficient removal of dental debris Stainless Steel...

Ready•Steel Senseus Files
Ready•Steel Senseus FlexoFile: The large, soft, ergonomic silicone handle: Improves tactile feedback Offers greater working comfort & less...

The Maillefer K-File has set the industry standard by offering superior cutting efficiency and precision handling. Featuring a twisted design and...

SureFlex Files
SureFlex Files for opening severely curved root canals have outstanding advantages over traditional stainless steel instruments: SureFlex...

UniFile Files
UNIFILE Files are a patented double hedstrom design that offers efficient cutting ability on insertion and withdrawal. Available in 21 mm & 25 mm...

Micro-Openers & Debriders
The first endodontic tools designed to improve visibility. If you've ever tried to negotiate a hand file back to a posterior tooth or use a microscope,...